A mission that is renewed every day

A mission that is renewed every day

For Italy’s art and nature

    FAI is a non-profit foundation established in 1975, using the National Trust as a model, with the aim of protecting and enhancing Italy's historical, artistic and landscape heritage.

    FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano (the National Trust for Italy) thanks to everyone's contribution:

    Takes care of

    special places in Italy for the benefit of present and future generations


    education, appreciation, awareness and enjoyment of Italy’s environmental, natural, historical and artistic heritage


    the protection of Italy’s natural and cultural assets, as per Article 9 of the Italian Constitution

    “The Republic protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation.”

    From Article 9 of the Italian Constitution

    We take care of nature and culture every day, guided by seven values

    Taking care of Italy's heritage of art and nature does not only mean taking care of places, but also of how people experience them.

    We do this guided by these values.

    Knowledge and expertise

    Constantly putting people in touch with both the recognised landscape and cultural treasures and with those that have the potential to become so: we offer tourism new keys to the interpretation of the Asset to relate it with its history and with the context in which it is located.


    Transforming ideas into concrete, effective and efficient actions: we believe that this is the way to form more aware citizens, with the aim of achieving a better country.


    We want our actions to reflect our convictions: we are true to our thinking and demonstrate this with our actions.


    to proceed with freedom of thought and action and with total independence from any political, religious or ideological movement or party: we collaborate with those whose objective is the protection of the historical, artistic and landscape heritage.


    Always aim for quality: we aim for excellence in everything we do, however large or small it may be.


    Discovering hidden cultural and landscape heritage: we propose unusual cultural itineraries, capable of arousing wonder in those who experience them.

    Busy idleness

    Cultivating quality leisure time: we ensure that our Assets and the initiatives we offer are opportunities for people to dedicate themselves intelligently to their passions and cultivate new ones.

    How we are today and how we would like to be tomorrow: our vision

    We organise our work and actions according to a ten-year strategic plan and three-year operational plans: eight areas of intervention, eight objectives, one vision.

    baia di ieranto, missione

    Our main activity is to take care of the special places that we have received as donations, inheritances or that have been granted to us in management: woods and coasts, parks and gardens, castles and historical residences, villas and abbeys, but also small assets with a high identity value such as a historical shrine or the old barber's shop in the city.

    i giganti della sila, missione

    We want to increase the number and variety of our historical and natural assets: to ensure that they are present in every region, especially in the South and in the main cities, starting from Rome. We work to ensure that these places are increasingly active as levers in the cultural, social and economic contexts in which they are embedded.

    villa della porta bozzolo, missione

    Our properties will increasingly be relationship centres: real communities which, thanks to the widespread and structured presence of volunteers, seek a continuous dialogue with the territory.

    cada carbone, missione

    We want to take care of the relationship between our places and people with increasing intensity, designing more and more experiences to satisfy the most diverse desires and expectations.

    Giornate FAI a Roma

    Thanks to the support of our delegates and volunteers, every year we organise major events to raise awareness, get people actively involved and protect them: the FAI Spring and Autumn Days, the FAI SummerEvenings, the FAI Days for schools and the I Luoghi del Cuore (Places I Love). We also dedicate specific activities to school students.

    monte fontanasecca, missione

    We are committed to reducing the energy impact of our Assets and to achieving European standards of excellence.

    podere case lovara, missione

    We work to ensure that it is the assets themselves that produce the resources necessary for their operation, maintenance and development, while keeping in mind their protection as our primary objective.

    bosco di san francesco, missione

    We collaborate with civil society and institutions, both at local and national level, in order to be increasingly present in the major debates on the environment, in defense of the landscape and historical-artistic heritage.

    Get in touch

    Got a question for us or do you need any information? Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help.

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