Explore it to love it

Explore it to love it

Experience a school outside of school with us

    The world of education is a natural FAI partner. Every year FAI offers teachers numerous didactic projects, in line with the indications provided by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, for the discovery of Italy’s natural and artistic heritage.
    "You defend what you love and love what you know".

    Giulia Maria Mozzoni Crespi, Founder of FAI

    Students are invited to experience the landscape that surrounds them through an educational and training experience. The projects are designed for schools of all levels in order to involve all students, from kindergarten children to high school students, with a differentiated offering.

    The objective of FAI Scuola (FAI Education programme) is to stimulate the spirit of active citizenship, not limited to considering the landscape as a subject to be studied, but involving young people in the commitment to its protection, as a collective asset of inestimable value, a symbol of our own identity.

    Tutto questo non sarebbe possibile senza di te
    Tutto questo non sarebbe possibile senza di te