Palazzina Appiani

Palazzina Appiani

The stage that Napoleon wanted for himself in the Arena of Sempione Park

Palazzina Appiani eng
Important Notice

Starting in January 2025, Palazzina Appiani will be managed by the Municipality of Milan. FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano will no longer provide guided tours or manage the site.

For further information, please contact


Starting in January, Palazzina Appiani will be managed by the Municipality of Milan.

Entrusted to FAI on a loan-for-use basis by Milan City Council in 2015


Set within Milan’s largest city park, Parco Sempione, this little Neoclassical jewel, is just waiting to be discovered. It was designed by Luigi Canonica as the official gallery for the family of Napoleon, the French emperor.

Entrance is free of charge. All donations gratefully received. Guided tours in English, price and availability on request.

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