Giardino Pantesco Donnafugata, Pantelleria, Archivio FAI | © FAI

Donnafugata Garden in Pantelleria

The surprising microclimate generated by a lava-stone enclosure on the island of Pantelleria

Donnafugata Garden eng

A simple lava-stone enclosure protects a single orange tree of an ancient variety against strong winds and ensures a supply of precious water. Despite the exceptionally dry, arid landscape, delicious oranges continue to grow on the tree.


Opening hours

The Garden can be visited during the Donnafugata Wine Cellar opening times:

June, July, September, from Monday to Friday: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm; 5 pm – 8 pm
August, every day: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm; 5 pm – 8 pm

Getting here

By car:

from Pantelleria, take the road named “Strada Perimetrale dietro Isola” for 9 km and at the junction continue along Via Kamma until you reach the Giardino Pantesco.

Guided tours

Guided tours are available from July to September, Monday to Friday, departing at 9.30am from the Cantine Donnafugata winery in Contrada Khamma. The visit lasts around one hour. Prior booking required.

Good to know

We recommend that you wear comfortable shoes.

Giardino Pantesco Donnafugata, Pantelleria

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